Tuesday, December 4, 2012

St. Nicholas...12/3/2012

Zoë sees Santa for the first time.
 I belong to a playgroup and we had a Christmas party and invited Santa.  The girls practiced their Ho Ho Ho's in anticipation.  This was the first time the girls have seen him in person and surprisingly, it went really well.  Zoë was smitten at first sight.  Poppi, not so much.  

Poppi set the parameters, no touching and no looking :)

Zoë enjoying an in depth conversation with the man in red.

Hmmm, I think Santa may have been pushing his luck, but Zoë was gracious and sat on his lap for a millisecond.

Zoë and her friend Alex putting Santa through his paces.
Poppi contemplating...

on second thought, maybe not.

Poppi warming up...

Ok, that's close enough pudgy man.
This was a wonderful way to introduce the girls to his Royal Redness.  No long lines, no loud crowds with overwrought children scared out of their wits.  And, this was the real Santa, no elastic holding up his beard, perfectly coiffed hair and he was wearing boots that looked as if they were just shined by his dutiful elves.  

All in all I think they had a fabulous time.  It is wonderful to see the girls beginning to come out of their shells and learning to socialize; they are polite and are very good at sharing, which is sometimes not always the case here at home.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny, you did a good job capturing their different reactions.:) He looks like the real deal!
